The Fate of Pierre Beaubien, Mail Carrier
For many years, during the winter the mail was carried over the ice by pony, dogsled, or on foot. In summer, prior to delivery by steamers, the mail was carried by canoe or by rowboat to Collins Inlet and back.

In 1923, when Pierre Regis ("P.R.") de la Morandiere traveled to Toronto to petition the Government for road access to Killarney, he was interviewed by a reporter for the Toronto Star.  P. R.  had this to say about the dangers of being the mail carrier:

"...old Pierre Beaubien, with his son, brought the mail across the ice from Little Current. One day towards spring, as they were making their trip over the bay, a sinister rumbling and cracking sound warned them that the ice was going. They hurried towards shore but found they were too late. A wide gap of black water cut them off from safety. The son plunged in and managed to reach a small island a short distance away. There he remained for three days before rescuers were able to reach him. But the father knew that at his age he would only be a burden on the younger man. The ice was rapidly breaking up and he already found himself adrift. He took a last look around to see if help of any kind was at hand. There was none. He tossed the mail-bag on the ice, seated himself on it and lit his pipe. He smilingly waved a goodbye to his son, and was soon carried out of sight. No trace of his body was ever found."
